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/ QRZ! Ham Radio 21 / QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 21.iso / CALLBK / GIFS / W3BUG.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2002-10-16  |  34KB  |  400x279  |  16-bit (43,294 colors)
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OCR: W3BUG BEL AIR, MARYLAND - HARFORD COUNTY - GRID FM19 CONFIRMING QSO WITH DAY MONTH YEAR UTC FREQUENCY MODE THX and PSE Of SCOTT HUBER 1714 Gillingham Drive Equipment: RER Kenwood TS-5700G lenen 706MM13G Bel Air, Maryland 21015 USA Alpha Delto DX-EE dipole Itiver ted Laire